Bastian Kern



my name is Bastian Kern, I'm a meteorologist. I'm interested in Earth System Models and representations of processes in such models. Earth System Models abstract the Earth System on a physical and mathematical base, and enables us to understand the impact of different processes and interaction between those processes by using numerical simulations.

The research I conducted during my PhD studies focused on interactions between ocean and atmospheric chemistry. Extensions of the Earth System Model to represent gas exchange bewteen ocean and atmosphere enables chemical coupling between these two domains. In combination with a complex model of atmospheric chemistry this enables novel possibilities for simulations of chemical and dynamical Interactions in the ocean-atmosphere system.

In an ongoing project I'm implementing an interface for the calcualtion of online diagnostics in a numerical climate and weather model, which is currently under development. Here you can find more details about this work.

In case you want to contact me, you can send me an email. The buttons below link to other webprofiles.

Have fun,
Bastian Kern

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